Your-Astro-Mami - The South Node in synastry (2024)

  • The South Node in synastry

    The South Node-Planet aspects in synastry may make you feel like you’ve known your person your whole life, there is a sense of familiarity, being in your comfort zone. It can feel like a karmic connection, like both of you are a part of the same soul group, have similar pasts and habits. In South Node aspects in synastry we focus on conjunctions, opposites or squares.Depending on the Planet it aspects the relationship can feel differently. In some cases, there may be a sense of regret once the relationship was over - a sense you didn’t put enough effort to keep it going. There may be lack of potential or growth of the relationship as they may hold on to the past and their past selves.

    South-Node - Ascendant or Sun aspects may feel familiarity between two characters, you get a sense that you’re old friends or enemies. In some cases, meeting the person may feel like you’ve been brought back to a place you don’t want to go back to, a sense that you’re being held back by them. They remind you of your old habits, they represent them. Despite that, they may feel like your comfort zone in human form. They deeply understand your way of being.

    South Node-Mercury can show a deep intellectual connection, like meeting someone who teaches you the things you’ve always wanted to know. Memory and attention to detail can be strong in this relationship. Harsh aspects like opposite or square can show manipulation, preventing the South Node person from accepting other points of view, having ideas of their own, the Mercury person may want to keep them in the same state in order to feel better than them.

    South Node-Venus can show a relationship that was always meant to be. You might as well call this a soulmate connection, depending on the other aspects in the synastry. For the South Node person, this may feel like the relationship they’ve always wanted to be in, they receive from the person the love they have always wanted. There is a strong sense of security and comfort in the relationship. With harsh aspects, the relationship may prevent them from achieving their personal growth, fulfilling their desires.

    South-Node-Saturn. With the harsh aspects in here, the Saturn person may try to teach the SN person how to live their life, control them, force their own ideas of structure, kind of like a strict parent who wants their kid to grow up in the same way they did. With a conjunction this may feel like a stable relationship, like you’re getting the support from the Saturn person in perfecting your natural talents, becoming great at what you already know, but it could still bring a feeling that they prevent you from developing into your ideal self.

    South Node-Moon. You meet someone who understands your soul on a great level, on a personal level. No matter what happens, it is hard to give up this connection and give up on this person. South-Node-Ceres may share similar qualities in terms of the comfort and sense of security the relationship can bring.

    South Node-Pluto. A relationship transformative for both people. In some cases with a harsh aspect, it may feel like a relationship that was meant to get back at someone, a relationship with the purpose of revenge or hurt.

    South Node-Juno. The “marrying your childhood best friend” or high school sweethearts aspects. You come back to commit to a person you’ve known your whole life, someone who has always been there. In harsh aspects it may feel like marriage or commitment prevents you from accomplishing your personal goals and developing into your own person. Your identity may not exist outisde from that relationship.

    South Node-Chiron. The “hurtlocker”. In a conjunction the Chiron person may take up the role as a healer, as someone who helps the SN person deal with the past, their being. They may take their pain away while destroying themselves. In harsh aspects, the relationship can trigger people’s past trauma, bring them to a place of unfulfillment where both people may bring out the bad out of each other, remind each other of their past mistakes, lack the ability to let go. It can also be a relationship where no matter how much they hurt you, it will be hard to abandon it.

    South-Node-Mars. Here there can be a strong level of chemistry. In a conjunction, the Mars person can be a hypeman, someone who helps the South Node person develop their talents, the traits they naturally have. Mars is supportive of who they are. In harsh aspects, the Mars person may guide their life for them, not allow them to make their own decisions, be in control of them and their choices. Take offense when they do something better than them. This can be a competitive aspect.

    South Node-Jupiter: Repetitions of old lessons. The Jupiter person may make the SN person love, appreciate themselves, find the good in themselves, appreciate the qualities they already have.

  • Your-Astro-Mami - The South Node in synastry (2024)


    What does the South Node represent in synastry? ›

    When there are conjunctions to the South Node in synastry (your South Node on one of their planets or theirs on one of yours), the South Node person's entire way of being resonates with one of the other's planetary functions.

    What are the most romantic aspects in synastry? ›

    Venus/Mars Aspects: The Dance of Passion and Affection

    These aspects are the spark and sizzle of your relationship. Venus, the planet of love, interacts with Mars, the planet of desire, creating a spectrum of romantic and sexual dynamics.

    What is the South Node orb synastry? ›

    When two individuals' synastry chart shows a South Node conjunction, it indicates that there is a connection between the two individuals' past lives.

    What is the South Node Mercury synastry? ›

    In synastry, Mercury is how you think, form opinions, and communicate. The South Node is how that other person relates to their social climate .. the society they live in. It really has nothing to do with how they relate to YOU.

    What is the South Node aspect of a synastry chart? ›

    The South Node conjunction in a synastry chart suggests a connection between two individuals' past lives and unresolved karma. This can manifest in a variety of ways and may require conscious effort to work through.

    Is South Node karmic? ›

    Your South Node is directly opposite to your North Node, and together, they make up your Lunar Nodes. The South Node represents what karmic action you've experienced in past lives and how it will influence your action. The South Node provides insight into both positive and negative qualities of self.

    What are the top five synastry aspects for a significant relationship? ›

    It can also provide insights into how you and your partner may interact and grow together. The top five synastry aspects to look for in your relationship chart include the Sun/Moon midpoint, Venus/Mars aspects, Saturn aspects, the Descendant, and the North Node.

    What are bad aspects in synastry? ›

    Mercury-Neptune aspects

    Mercury and Neptune bring challenging synastry aspects. With the square, opposition, and even the conjunction, it can show that the relationship could be built on white lies or overall deception if both parties fail to communicate. Mercury might make excuses for Neptune and vice-versa.

    What is the most important planet in synastry? ›

    Which planets have the most influence in synastry? The moon, Venus and Mars are the main planets to probe, but the ascendants should also be compatible. If the Moon signs are of the same element, then there might be better emotional understanding between the two.

    What is the rarest conjunction in astrology? ›

    Great conjunctions occur approximately every 20 years when Jupiter "overtakes" Saturn in its orbit. They are named "great" for being by far the rarest of the conjunctions between naked-eye planets (i.e. excluding Uranus and Neptune).

    What is the glyph for the South Node? ›

    The glyph for the South Node is an upside-down horseshoe. Once you find those symbols in your chart, then you can circle them. They will always appear in opposite houses, opposite signs, and at the same degrees.

    What synastry aspect is marriage? ›

    Sun and Moon come together in this synastry match to expose us and reveal our true selves to our partners. The impact works both ways because they see us too. The mirror connection is similar to Moon trine Moon, this placement promotes growth and unconditional love between both parties.

    What are the love houses in synastry? ›

    Traditional teachings focus on three “love” houses: 5th (pleasure), 7th (partnerships), 8th (intimacy), and we're commonly encouraged to look to these for direction and affirmation on “good love synastry” and “worthwhile” romantic connections.

    What is the purpose of the South Node in Aquarius life? ›

    South Node in Aquarius

    You're someone who's known for giving back to your community and lending a helping hand when it comes to charity work and humanitarian goals. In your past lives, you may have been a revolutionary; someone who overthrew a brutal dictatorship.

    What does your South Node say about you? ›

    The South Node of Destiny depicts the place, energy, emotions, and relationships that we have been a part of in our past lives. It's the karmic energy that we are trying to move out of, release, and leave behind in this lifetime.

    What is the South Node in the 4h synastry? ›

    Exploring Inner Depths: The South Node in the 4th House synastry encourages individuals to explore their inner depths and emotional landscapes together. They may feel a deep soul connection, as if they have known each other for lifetimes, fostering a sense of emotional intimacy and understanding.

    What is the South Node in 9h synastry? ›

    The placement of the South Node in the 9th House in synastry heralds a cosmic odyssey of philosophical exploration, spiritual growth, and karmic connections within the relationship.

    What is the South Node in 3h synastry? ›

    The placement of the South Node in the 3rd House in synastry intertwines karmic influences with communication dynamics, offering a fertile ground for mutual learning, healing, and evolution.

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