What Does Strong Character Mean? (2024)

Character is a set of qualities, or values, that shape our thoughts, actions, reactions and feelings.

People with strong character: show compassion, are honest and fair, display self-discipline in setting and meeting goals, make good judgments, show respect to others, show courage in standing up for beliefs, have a strong sense of responsibility, are good citizens who are concerned for their community, maintain self-respect.

Compassion: Compassion, or empathy, means identifying with and being concerned about other people’s feelings and needs. It provides the emotional root for caring about other people. It allows us to be understanding and tolerant of different points of views and beliefs, it makes us aware of the suffering of others, and it allows us to empathize with them or to feel their suffering as our own. Compassion also allows us to feel joy and excitement—rather than anger and despair—at other people’s successes and achievements. Babies may begin to cry when they hear other sounds of crying, and coo and laugh when they hear others making happy sounds. By the age of three, many children will make an effort to hug or comfort another child or a parent who seems upset. As children grow, compassion can guide their actions and behaviors in positive ways. They understand that by doing something wrong, they cause others pain or unhappiness.

We can promote compassion by helping our children to think about how others feel. If your child says or does something hurtful to another child, help him to focus his attention on the feelings of his victim by saying, for example, “How do you think Zack feels? Would you like to feel like that?” Children develop compassion by practicing acts of caring and kindness towards others. As adults, we need to emphasize the importance of helping others, giving others the benefit of the doubt and being open to differences.

What You Can Do: Talk about the point of view of others as you watch TV, read books, or discuss other people with your child. For example, ask, “What do you think that character is feeling and thinking?” Show care toward others, such as doing errands for sick neighbors or opening doors for others. Give others the benefit of the doubt. If your child complains that a classmate deliberately pushed her down on the way to lunch, explain that sometimes when people are in a hurry, they don’t watch where they’re going—they don’t mean to push or hurt anyone. Be open to differences. If your child says “Our new neighbors dress funny,” explain that people often wear clothes that reflect their cultures or native countries. To read the complete article, go to: http://www2.ed.gov/print/parents/academic/help/citizen/part4.html

What Does Strong Character Mean? (2024)


What Does Strong Character Mean? ›

People with strong character: show compassion, are honest and fair, display self-discipline in setting and meeting goals, make good judgments, show respect to others, show courage in standing up for beliefs, have a strong sense of responsibility, are good citizens who are concerned for their community, maintain self- ...

Is it good to have a strong character? ›

Our aims and goals can be achieved if we have a strong character. It discourages others from placing obstacles in our path. Having achieved our goals gives us the freedom and resources to spend our time doing just those things that are both useful and fun.

How do you say someone has a strong character? ›

Synonyms of strength of character (noun willpower over one's actions)
  1. dignity.
  2. discretion.
  3. poise.
  4. restraint.
  5. reticence.
  6. self-discipline.
  7. sobriety.
  8. stoicism.
Aug 9, 2023

What is the difference between a strong character and a strong personality? ›

"Personality" suggests being engaging, fun and likable whereas "having good character" suggests honesty, resilience and tenacity (among other qualities). It's the difference between qualities of someone who would make a good friend and of someone considered to be competent and dependable.

Why is it important to have a strong character? ›

Character is something which comes from within and is often long lived. A good character helps you develop a winning personality. In other words, a good character is the backbone of a magnetic personality which attracts other people. One needs to be honest at work.

How can you tell if someone has a good character? ›

At the core of any person with good character is honesty. They do their work clean, according to what is right, and never cheat or lie to get ahead of the curve. People with good character are who they say they are and deliver what has been promised by them and expected of them.

What is the most common character strength? ›

The most prevalent character strengths in human beings in descending order are kindness, fairness, honesty, gratitude, judgment. The least prevalent character strengths in human beings are prudence, modesty, and self-regulation.

What does it mean to show strength of character? ›

Character strengths are the positive qualities individuals have—as reflected in their thoughts, feelings, and actions—that promote the well-being of themselves and others.

What traits make strong character? ›

People with strong character: show compassion, are honest and fair, display self-discipline in setting and meeting goals, make good judgments, show respect to others, show courage in standing up for beliefs, have a strong sense of responsibility, are good citizens who are concerned for their community, maintain self- ...

What personality type is strong? ›

So which personality types are the most powerful? ENTJs and ESTPs are powerful forces to be reckoned with. They both have a presence that can be difficult to ignore. Decision-making comes easily for them, and they are often persuasive when it comes to getting their point across.

What does it mean when someone is of weak character? ›

A weak personality refers to a lack of strength, resilience, and assertiveness in one's character. Individuals with a weak personality may struggle with making decisions, setting boundaries, or standing up for themselves.

What are 5 benefits of having good character? ›

Moral character matters.
  • Achieve peace of mind. People with character sleep well at night. ...
  • Strengthen trust. ...
  • Build a solid reputation. ...
  • Reduce anxiety. ...
  • Increase leadership effectiveness. ...
  • Build confidence. ...
  • Become a positive role model. ...
  • Live a purpose-driven life.
Dec 23, 2014

Can character be good or bad? ›

Character is not a habit because a bad habit cannot be good nor a good habit bad, but character can be good or bad, in other words, it is indifferent to goodness and badness.

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