Homemade Playdough Recipe (2024)

Let me show you how to make playdough. It is a great kid’s activity and this is seriously the best homemade playdough out there! It is easy enough for kids to help with, only takes about 10-15 minutes, and gives you comparable results to store-bought playdough. It’s super soft, edible, and even smoother than the real thing.

Mood Sand (or Kinetic sand) is another fun sensory mixture for kids to play with.

Homemade Playdough Recipe (1)

How to Make Playdough

You probably have all the necessary materials on hand in your pantry. You are going to love this simple DIY playdough recipe! If you had fun with this and want more goopy goodness, check out How to make Slime and our other fun recipes below!

Homemade Playdough Recipe

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • food coloring

Homemade Playdough Recipe (2)

How to make homemade playdough step-by-step

When in this process you allow your kids to assist is entirely up to you. Younger children can mix dry ingredients, older kids can stir (supervised) at the stove top, and adding food coloring is fun for everyone. My son is under two, so he mainly helps me with the “playing” part.

Please supervise your children and use caution with the stove and hot dough. If you are concerned about the stove, boiling water or hot dough, keep reading – I have a no-cook play dough recipe at the bottom. Either way you will know how to make playdough and it will be oh so soft and silky!

Homemade Playdough Recipe (3)

  1. Combine all ingredients (except food coloring) in a medium-sized saucepan.
  2. Stir over medium heat until smooth. It will go through a clumpy stage – just keep stirring.
  3. Stir continuously until the dough balls (about 1-2 minutes). Remove from heat.

Homemade Playdough Recipe (4)

  1. When the dough is cool enough to handle, knead the dough until smooth.
  2. Form into a ball.
  3. Divide into as many colors as you’d like to make. A single batch makes a good amount for four colors.

Homemade Playdough Recipe (5)

  1. Add several drops of food coloring to the divided dough. Gel food coloring works quite well. I have not tried liquid food coloring, although some recipes recommend adding that in while the dough is still in the pot so it’s easier to blend.
  2. Knead the food coloring into the dough. To protect your countertop, knead over wax paper. It may stain your hands, so wear plastic or rubber gloves if you have them (you could also put the dough and food coloring inside a ziplock bag and have the kids squish it around inside).
  3. When the dough is a consistent color, ball and set aside.

Homemade Playdough Recipe (6)

  1. Repeat with the rest of your colors.
  2. Put the dough in separate containers. Toddler-sized snack containers are a good size, and I have also wrapped the colors individually in wax paper and stored in zip-lock bags.
  3. Store in an air tight container until ready to use. It will stay soft for several weeks if stored airtight. The playdough can be stored at room temperature for a long time.

Hmm … I feel like I’m forgetting the most important step. Oh, that’s right – PLAY! Now that you know how to make playdough at home, your kids are in for tons of sensory play and creativity!

Homemade Playdough Recipe (7)

For more creative goodness visit Homemade By Jill!

How to make playdough without cooking

Can you make playdough without cooking? Yes, you can! Try:

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 3/4 cup salt
  • 1 Tablespoon oil
  • food coloring

Mix the wet ingredients together and mix the dry ingredients together. Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry until you have the correct consistency.

This is a super quick and easy playdough recipe and it works great! We love this one because children can help with the entire process, although it can be a bit messy. Notice this recipe has no cream of tartar – yes, you can make playdough without cream of tartar.

How do you make the best homemade playdough?

Now that you’ve got the base recipe you like best, try making your own custom colors! Store-bought play doh comes in classic blue, yellow, hot pink, and more, but you can make just about any shade your little ones want with food coloring at home!

  • Or how about adding glitter? My daughter loves any reason to break out the glitter, and it works great with playdough. Add about 1 tablespoon of glitter to each batch. If you’ve got little ones who like to taste test and sample your wares, you might want to pass on this special addition…
  • For wonderfully scented playdough, try kneading in a couple of drops of your favorite essential oils – just playing with this is so relaxing. Or what about giving natural food coloring a try?

There are so many variations on how to make playdough out there, so if you have any recommendations, tips, or tricks, please let us know in the comments! How do you make playdough fun for your kids?

Alum versus Cream of Tartar in Playdough

Some recipes will call for alum instead of cream of tartar. While they aren’t the same thing, they can be interchanged in your playdough recipe, since they both help with texture and consistency.

What does cream of tarter do for playdough? Cream of tartar is an acid, like lemon juice, and is used in cooking as a stabilizing agent for items like meringues and whipped cream. While it does help with the consistency…and I bet you won’t miss it.

More Sensory Fun!

Now that you know how to make playdough, how about giving these other squishy recipes a try? These great ideas will keep kids of all ages playing all day long:

  • How to make Borax Free Gak (Slime)
  • Homemade Playdoughanother good recipe to try with alum and kool aid!
  • Glow In The Dark Slime
  • The BEST Slime Recipes
  • How To Make Oobleck
  • Aromatherapy Playdough is perfect if you are a fan of essential oils.
  • Peanut Butter Playdough is super yummy and fun if your kids don’t have peanut allergies.
Homemade Playdough Recipe (2024)


Homemade Playdough Recipe? ›

how to make the world's best homemade play-doh. You'll need 3 cups of white all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons of table salt, 3-4 tablespoons of any cooking oil (start with 3 and add more if necessary), 3 cups HOT water, and food coloring.

What is the best homemade playdough recipe? ›

how to make the world's best homemade play-doh. You'll need 3 cups of white all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup + 2 tablespoons of table salt, 3-4 tablespoons of any cooking oil (start with 3 and add more if necessary), 3 cups HOT water, and food coloring.

What is the 3 ingredient recipe for playdough? ›

3 Ingredient Play Dough
  1. 1/2 cup cornstarch.
  2. 1 cup baking soda.
  3. 3/4 cup water.
  4. Optional: 2-3 drops essential oil and 4-5 drops food coloring.
Mar 23, 2024

How to make playdough step by step? ›

Play Dough Recipe 5

2 cups water 2 cups flour 1 cup salt 2 tbs cooking oil 4 tsp cream of tartar Food coloring (optional) Add food coloring to water it you wish to color the dough. Mix and heat until ingredients form a ball. Knead until smooth and store in airtight container.

What is the secret recipe for play doh? ›

Ingredients for Super Soft Playdough
  1. 3/4 cup flour.
  2. 1/4 cup baby powder (this is the secret ingredient! If you don't like using baby powder, corn starch is a good alternative)
  3. 1/4 cup salt.
  4. 2 tsp cream of tartar.
  5. 1 tablespoon of baby oil.
  6. 3/4 cup of water.
  7. food coloring (I used gel food coloring)
Feb 20, 2023

Why cream of tartar in playdough? ›

While cream of tartar is not an ingredient you probably keep on hand in your kitchen, it is worth the investment if you are trying to become a playdough making pro. Cream of tartar really helps to get your playdough to the fun gel form and prevent it from staying too wet.

How to make playdough with 4 ingredients? ›

  1. Combine plain flour and salt.
  2. Add water, food colouring and oil. Mix until ingredients are combined.
  3. Knead well.
  4. If consistency is too wet add a little plain flour.
Mar 5, 2019

What is the recipe for old school playdough? ›

How to make playdough
  1. 2 cups all-purpose flour.
  2. 3/4 cup salt.
  3. 4 teaspoons cream of tartar.
  4. 2 cups lukewarm water.
  5. 2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil (coconut oil works too)
  6. Food coloring, optional (I like Wilton gel food coloring or AmeriColor gel)
  7. Quart sized bags.

Do you need cream of tartar for homemade playdough? ›

Making play-dough without cream of tartar is both fun and easy! The most traditional recipe calls for flour, salt, water, and oil. However, you can also use cornstarch and conditioner to make play-dough. Food coloring or powdered Kool-Aid will add color and fragrance to your project.

Can you make playdough with plain flour? ›

Uncooked Playdough Recipe
  1. 8 tbsp plain flour.
  2. 2 tbsp table salt.
  3. 60ml warm water.
  4. 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Does homemade playdough go hard? ›

The product called “Play Doh” and also the homemade play doughs are all water-based, so they'll harden if simply left out in the air (the water in them will evaporate out and into the air).

What is fun dough made of? ›

The multi-coloured Fundough set is made using non-toxic child safe clay. This eliminates the risk of allergies. The clay has a smooth texture and vibrant colour. It is suitable for kids of the age 3 years and above.

How to harden play-doh without cracking? ›

Bake your Play-Doh for 5-10 minutes.

Set your Play-Doh creation on an oven-safe tray, and set a timer for at least 5 minutes. Then, check on the baked clay to see if it's hardened. If the clay is firm and hard to the touch, you can display your Play-Doh masterpiece around your home!

What makes playdough fluffy? ›

Today we're making homemade cloud dough with conditioner and cornstarch! These two basic ingredients combine to make the fluffiest play dough imaginable. Yeah, it lives up to its name because it feels as soft and fluffy as you'd imagine a cloud feels.

How to make homemade playdough soft and stretchy? ›

This recipe calls for 1 cup of hair conditioner. Next I simply needed to open the kitchen pantry and find cornflour/cornstarch. This is what gives it the dough consistency and by adding 2 cups of it to the conditioner after a good knead it becomes lovely and soft, silky and stretchy.

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