Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (2024)

This bread pudding recipe is easy to make withjust a few simple ingredients. This is one of our family’s favorite recipes and is perfect served with a big scoop of ice cream!

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (1)

Do you have any family recipes that you absolutely love? This bread pudding recipeis one that has been in my husband’s family for years andcomes from his Grandmother Linda. My husband loves this recipe so much that his grandmaused to bake it for him instead of a cake for special occasions. And honestly, I would choose this recipe over a cake any day too.

Speaking of Josh’s grandma, I really feel like I could write a million blog posts about how wonderful she was. She was such a kind person andhad the best sense of humor. It was literally impossible to not crack a smile when you were around her.

My favorite memory of her was the time she got up on the dance floor at our wedding and danced like no one was watching. Although she’s no longer with us, one thing that we will always have are the memories and her amazingbread pudding recipe.

Plus, you know a recipe is good when it comes from grandma. Right?

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (2)

Recipe Ingredients

This recipe uses simple ingredients that you may already have on hand! Here’s what you will need to make this easy bread pudding recipe:

  • Day-old bread: To start this recipe you’ll need some bread, hence the name bread pudding. I like to use a loaf of challah bread when it comes to making this recipe. Josh’s grandma usedslices of toastedwhite bread when she would make it. Some other great options are French or brioche bread. You also want to use day-old or stale bread so that it absorbs the moisture from the egg and milk mixture.
  • Eggs:You will be using 5 large eggs for this bread pudding recipe.
  • Milk:I prefer to use whole milk in this recipe, but Josh’s grandmother typically used skim milk. Feel free to use whatever you have on hand!
  • Sugar:There’s 1 cup of granulated sugar in this dish to add some sweetness.
  • Vanilla & spices:These add a little flavor to the bread pudding. For the spices there is a mixture of ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg.
Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (3)
Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (4)

How To Make Bread Pudding

To make this bread pudding, start by spraying a 9×13 baking pan well with nonstick cooking spray.Next, cube your day old-bread into 1-inch pieces and place them in an even layer into the prepared baking dish.

Then, whisk together the eggs, granulated sugar, milk, vanilla extract, and spices. You will be using 5 whole eggs and 4 cups of milk, which may seem like a lot. Trust me, the first time I made this recipe I sat there wondering if it was too much. As the bread bakes it will absorb the liquid, so don’t worry!

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (5)
Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (6)

Once you mix up the wet ingredients, pour itover the bread in your pan. Make sure that the mixture fully coats the bread, if you miss some pieces, just press them down into the mixture to make sure they are coated.

You want to let it sit for about 15 minutes, so the bread can absorb some of the liquid before it goes into the oven too. I like to prepare the bread pudding, then once I’m done I preheat the oven. I just let it sit and soak up the mixture while the oven preheats, which is usually right at about 15 minutes. Easy, peasy.

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (7)

The bread pudding will take about 45 to 50 minutes in the oven. You will know it’s done when the center is puffed up and firm if you gently touch it.

You do want to let it cool for just a little bit once you remove it from the oven so that it’s easy to handle. I really love this bread pudding served with a huge scoop of ice cream and some caramel sauce. But honestly, it’s delicious just by itself!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you freeze bread pudding?

Yes, absolutely! You can slice the bread pudding into pieces, wrap each one tightly, and store them in a large freezer bag or freezer-friendly storage container. To thaw it, simply place it in the refrigerator overnight.

Does it need be refrigerated?

Yes, you do want to refrigerate it. Once it has cooled completely, wrap it tightly, and store it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

How do you reheat it?

If you want to reheat the whole bread pudding, cover it tightly with aluminum foil, and place it in a 300°F oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until warmed. For individual slices, I prefer to microwave them in 20 to 30 second increments until they’re warmed through.

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (8)

Baking Tips

  • If your bread is still fresh or not dried out you can cube itinto smaller pieces, placethem on a baking sheet, pop it in the oven, and bake for about 8 to 10 minutes. You don’t want to completely toast the bread, just dry it out.
  • I prefer to lightly beat the eggs before mixing them into the wet ingredients. This isn’t necessary, but does help to ensure that the eggs are thoroughly combined.
  • Let the bread pudding soak for about 15 minutes while your oven is preheating. This will ensure that the bread really soaks up the egg custard mixture!

Video Tutorial

Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (9)

Grandma's Bread Pudding

4.88 from 108 ratings

Prep Time: 15 minutes mins

Cook Time: 45 minutes mins

Total Time: 1 hour hr

This bread pudding recipe is easy to make with just a few simple ingredients. This is one of our family's favorite recipes and perfect served with a big scoop of ice cream!

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Servings: 12 slices

  • 1 loaf day-old challah bread cubed into 1-inch pieces
  • 5 large eggs lightly beaten
  • 1 cup (200 grams) granulated sugar
  • 4 cups (960 ml) whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon


  • Spray a 9x13 baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Place the cubed challah bread into the prepared baking dish and spread it around into an even layer. Set aside.

  • In a very large mixing bowl, whisk together the eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon until fully combined. Pour the mixture evenly over the bread in the prepared baking pan, making sure all of the bread is coated. Allow to sit and soak up the mixture for about 15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 350°F (177°C). Once the 15 minutes is over, place the bread pudding in the oven and bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until the top is set.

  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.


Storage Instructions:Once the bread pudding has cooled completely, cover it tightly, and store in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.

Freezing Instructions:Bread pudding will freeze well for up to 3 months. I recommend slicing it into pieces, wrapping them tightly with plastic wrap, and storing them in a freezer bag. To thaw them, place in the refrigerator overnight and reheat in the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds.

Bread:I typically use a 20-ounce loaf of challah bread for this recipe. Some other great options are French or brioche bread.

If you have a fresh loaf of challah bread, you can cube it into 1-inch pieces, place them on a baking sheet, and bake at 350°F for 8 to 10 minutes, stirring often, until the bread is dried out.

Milk:I prefer to use whole milk, but you may use 2%, 1%, skim, or even almond milk.

Cuisine: American

Course: Dessert

Author: Danielle

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Grandma's Bread Pudding Recipe - Live Well Bake Often (2024)


Does bread pudding have to be refrigerated after it's baked? ›

Making bread pudding is extremely easy to do and requires very little effort. It does require some time though, so plan accordingly. The bread needs to sit out to become stale for at least a day. And the final dish needs to refrigerate for 6-8 hours after baking.

Why is my bread pudding mushy? ›

Stale bread will soak up the custard much more easily than fresh bread, which is key to getting the right consistency. If the bread doesn't soak up enough custard, the end result will be mushy. The solution is to use bread that has dried out a bit.

Should I cover my bread pudding when baking? ›

Before the inside of your pudding is set, the outer layer can become burnt and dry, which is why covering bread pudding during baking is the best move.

How to tell when bread pudding is done? ›

Bake about 1 hour or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Another way to judge whether the pudding is fully baked, is to gently press down on the center of the pudding. If any custard comes up to the top, the pudding needs to be baked a little longer.

Can you freeze bread pudding after it is baked? ›

Yes, you can freeze bread pudding for up to three months. It's best to bake the bread pudding in a foil pan if you plan to freeze it. Allow it to cool, then wrap the whole thing tightly in a layer of storage wrap and at least one layer of foil. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight.

Does pudding go bad if not refrigerated? ›

It should not spoil if left out for a long period of time as long as it is in a cool environment. Preferably refrigerate to keep it set and fresh for longer. As pudding is made using Milk / Milk Substitute if not eaten all please refrigerate to not spoil.

Why does my bread pudding taste like egg? ›

Bread pudding's magic is how the old, dried bread can be re-invigorated with a mixture of milk, eggs, and sugar that it soaks up like a sponge, but when the eggs aren't properly beaten you have a separation of the beaten yolk from the beaten whites which gives you the scrambled egg look and flavor.

Should bread pudding be wet in the middle? ›

One major problem that you may have come across is bread pudding that is just too wet. A good bread pudding needs to be moist -- it is made from custard, after all -- but it should not be anywhere close to runny.

How do you keep pudding moist? ›

After you have steamed and cooled your pudding, replace the foil with a freshly buttered piece to keep it moist and store in a cool, dark place, or the fridge, until you are ready to reheat it on Christmas day.

Is bread pudding supposed to jiggle? ›

After two score or more of tests, we determined that the bread budding should wobble like a Jell-O mold when removed from the oven--it will continue to cook after removal. Another tip is to remove the pudding from the oven just as it begins to inflate and rise up high in the pan.

Do you eat bread pudding with a spoon or fork? ›

Advice: Ditch the fork – it's completely superfluous – and dig in with the spoon!

Why does my bread pudding fall after I take it out of the oven? ›

Not allowing it to rest after baking

It is usual for bread pudding to somewhat collapse when it goes from the oven to the room temperature air, but you surely don't want to further contribute to it becoming flat. Therefore, don't dish it out too quickly.

Is it OK to leave bread pudding out overnight? ›

Yes, you absolutely can.

How long to heat bread pudding in oven? ›

Oven - remove bread pudding from the plastic container and place in an oven safe dish. Heat at 250 degrees for 5-7 minutes or until your desired temperature is reached.

Does cooked pudding need to be refrigerated? ›

Homemade Pudding Freshness

Typically, it should be eaten within 4-7 days when stored properly in the refrigerator. Freshness is best preserved by prompt refrigeration after cooking and cooling to room temperature, which should not exceed two hours to prevent bacterial growth.

How do you store and reheat bread pudding? ›

It should be stored in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing odors and to maintain freshness. Freezing: If the bread pudding has been frozen, ensure it is thoroughly thawed before reheating to avoid uneven heating.

How long does pudding need to chill? ›

Pour pudding into dessert dishes. Cover and refrigerate about 1 hour or until chilled.

Does a cake with pudding need to be refrigerated? ›

Yes, because of the dairy in the filling it is best to refrigerate a cake that is filled with pudding. Store it under a dome or in another airtight container to keep it from drying out.

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