To see the churches united in public worship of the Lord Jesus Christ and Christians working together to impact their city with praise, prayer, and proclamation.
The National March For Jesus Team is committed to provide leadership, coordination, and training for an emerging national network of Christians who build a local relational network that mobilizes the Body of Christ.
March for Jesus is a national event that unites the entire body of Christ in cities across the nation for one purpose: to worship Jesus. He deserves to receive extravagant praise in full public view as a living testimony from a living church to a living God. Lavishing love on Jesus is our agenda. The March creates an atmosphere for evangelism, prayer efforts, and reconciliation, because Jesus is the primary focus.
The Lord Jesus deserves extravagant praise. He is worthy of not only our individual adoration, but also parades of praise, which fill our city streets. The March for Jesus is exactly that, a march for Jesus. On the day of the March, we will leave our denominational differences behind to come together to lavish all our praise upon Jesus.
Each March concludes with a Prayer Rally, where believers join together to intercede for our cities and for the unreached peoples of the world. As we march on the streets and feel God's compassion for our cities, prayer is the most natural and most effective response to the needs we see.
Not only are we to praise God - we also are to be proclaimers of His truth. By our presence on the streets, we bless the city with the good news that Jesus has risen. God's truth is proclaimed in a lively way - believers march with colorful banners and balloons, waving flags and wearing smiles.
Believers of all ages, races, denominations, and affiliations come together to lift up their highest common denominator: Jesus. Each group brings its distinct personality to the March. There is room for everyone in the family of faith, and the March is a celebration of our Lord by the whole family.
Walls of suspicion, division, and indifference are sometimes erected between different fellowships in a city. March for Jesus allows an opportunity for these fellowships to be reconciled as the entire body of Christ in a city gathers. Jesus said that the world would know that we are His disciples by our love for one another. The March gives us a chance to show this love as we leave secondary differences behind us and come together to worship Jesus.
Everyday, headlines tell of the racial conflicts and tensions in our cities. During the March, forgiveness is offered and received in powerful, public ways. Such displays vividly demonstrate that we can live in peace with each other, only by the power of the Prince of Peace.
By repenting from past and present sins, we experience a new sense of compassion and humility. These public confessions break curses over our cities and release God's blessings. We become obedient to 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and tum from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
Jesus rode to town on Palm Sunday on a gentle donkey. We can give him the same kind of vehicle by marching with humility. Our praise is celebrative and extravagant but never brash or demanding. The world marches to demand its rights above all else and to grab attention with its "in-your-face" tactics, but we are marching for Jesus and with His humility.
Protests are necessary since our message of truth often confronts the world's values. But the specific purpose of this occasion is to positively declare who we are for, not what we are against.
No matter how passionately we feel about an issue, Jesus remains center stage during the march. We exclude causes we disagree with as well as the ones we believe in. We can exalt worthy causes or condemn worthless ones on other days of the year.
There are many men and women who are worthy of our respect, but on this day all recognition, honor and thanks go to Jesus. He is the Name above all names!
We use a consultative style of leadership that expresses respect for every people and our desire to include every part of the body of Christ.
We embrace a life-style of repentance, agree with adversaries quickly, and confront pride and arrogance in the opposite spirit.
We lead by serving. It is intimidating to lead leaders, even presumptuous to take on that role. It puts everything in proper perspective when we commit to serve leaders.
We are committed to serving the vision with excellence. Quality is not a financial decision.
We are an expression of existing relationships and a growing network of people who recognize the value and significance of relationship.
Worship is a worthwhile endeavor. You do not have to tag something on to make it worth the effort and expense. He is worth it!
We are committed to honest communication without falsehood or exaggeration. We submit to clear lines of accountability and open financial records.
We celebrate diversity, seek inclusive leadership, and mourn the tragedy of any missing part.
Anything of eternal value is birthed in prayer. We are a prayer movement.
We choose to endure the test of being faithful in little things and do not demand that we be entrusted with great things. We are willing to earn trust rather than demand it.
This movement is empowered by the sacrificial giving of God's people. The story of March for Jesus is one of extravagant, sacrificial giving.
Gary L. FrostNational Co-Director
March for Jesus U.S.A |
Youngstown, OH
Garry Martin
National Co-Director
March for Jesus U.S.A. |
Jackson, TN
Kathy Branzell
National Day of Prayer |
Colorado Springs, CO
David Bryant
Proclaim Hope |
New Providence, NJ
Paul Cedar,Palm Desert, CA
Steve Hawthorne
Waymakers |
Austin, TX
Kay Horner
Awaken America | Chattanooga, TN
Jerry Kirk
The Prayer Covenant |
Cincinnati, OH
Dave Kubal
Intercessors for America |
Purcellvilie, VA
Fred Luter
Franklin Avenue Baptist Church | New Orleans, LA
Tom Phillips
Billy Graham Evangelistic |Association | Charlotte, NC
Mac Pier
Movement.org | New York, NY
Gail R. Reese
Ministry of Reconciliation |
Cleveland, OH
Haywood Robinson
The Peoples Community Baptist Church | Silver Springs, MD
Dimas Salabarrios
The Dynamic Life | Bronx, NY